
Raw Material Pulping System

Raw Material Pulping System

Equipments needed
Hydraulic pulpier
Vibration screen
Pulp pump
Water pump
Pulp milling machine
Pulp pool impeller
Pulp controller
Paper scale
Paper feeder

The raw material preparation system is very similar to a small paper mill. The hydraulic pulper crushes the waste paper into a uniform density at around 4% solid consistency pulp stock.  Rosin, or color dye is added into at this section according to final products requirement, proportion is around 1%.  The pulp is pumped into a storage pool, which can be both abover around or underground. The vibration screen  and pulp refiner will filter the pulp that comes out of the first pool, refining the pulp from bibre bundles, inpurities or unpulped paper. Pulp refined will be dumped into another storage pool. Finally the pulp is transferred to the molding machine, with white water added. All procedures can be finished through the control panel.

egg tray machine pulping chart

Pulping System Main Sector
Egg Tray Pulping Machine
Egg Tray Pulping Machine
Pulping System Main Sector
Egg Tray Pulping Machine
Egg Tray Pulping Machine
Pulping pool and Vibration sreen
Egg Tray Pulping Machine
Egg Tray Pulping Machine
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